返回课程 ASD-STE100(简化技术英语)规则部分Rule 8.2 Use hyphens (-) to connect closely related words. 规则8.2使用连字符(-)连接密切相关的单词。
A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that connects words or parts of words. Use the hyphen to show that two or more words are closely related. This helps the reader to understand words and phrases more easily.

A hyphen is different from a dash, which keeps words apart. A dash (—) is usually longer than a hyphen but is sometimes shown as a hyphen with a space on each side. This means that the two punctuation marks are often confused.

Sometimes in part lists, a dash follows a main word to show that the first word is really the last word in the noun cluster.


Light - reading

These words are not connected. This does not mean “light reading”. It means “reading light”.

The examples that follow show how to use hyphens to connect closely related words:

1. Terms that have two or more words and are adjectives before a noun:

low-altitude flight, high-pressure chamber, air-conditioned compartment, transmitter-receiver system, quick-release fastener, clamshell-type flap, eighteen-inch monitor, cast-aluminum bracket, three-to-one ratio, trial-and-error method, air-to-air refueling, soap-and-water solution, up-to-date information, run-on torque, break-away torque, cut-in speed, in-flight entertainment system, stiff-bristled brush, fire-resistant material, self-sealing hose

2. Two-word fractions or numbers:

forty-seven, ninety-ninth, one hundred and sixty-two, three-sixteenths, one thirty-second

3. Terms that contain a capital letter plus a noun, or a number plus a noun, and that usually describe the shape or configuration of something:

L-shaped bracket, O-ring, T-shirt, U-beam, Y-coupling, V-band clamp, 3-prong connector, 180-grit abrasive cloth

4. Verbs that contain a noun or another part of speech as the first element:

die-cast, arc-weld, fusion-bond, stop-drill, vacuum-pack, heat-treat, jump-start, air-condition, short-circuit, fast-forward, cold-roll, dry-clean, blow-dry

5. Terms in which the prefix ends with a vowel and the root word begins with a vowel:

de-energize, pre-amplifier, de-ice, anti-icing, pre-engage


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