TRAVIS 发表于 2020-8-13 16:41:12



DESIGN PRINCIPLES The blankets are built according to certain design principles as stated below. The user must understand that the criteria that funded the design are adapted to sound repair techniques for radomes.

DIMENSIONS OF THE BLANKETS The dimensions of our blankets have been decided by consideration of the three following aspects:

1. The blankets cover the tip of the radome and in particular the transparency area. This area is non developable and repairs will require this type of shaped blankets. Out ofthis area, local repairs could be implemented by using flat circular blankets (consult our catalogue for selection).
2. When repairs cover a larger surface than the transparency area, it is mostly recommended to proceed in another way, like refitting a complete cap to the radome base. The bonding of the belt of the new cap can be done either with specific blankets or in an oven.
3. Blankets dimensions present large heating areas. However electrical zoning allow to heat the areas to be repaired only and thus prevent the risk of overheating other areas.

ELECTRICAL ZONING Due to the large heating area of each blanket, it is logical to split the surface into independent heating areas. The user has thus the possibility to activate for heating only the zones covering the repair. A unique zone blanket would heat non damaged areas with risk of delamination.

ZONE STYLE / SECTORS OR CONCENTRIC ZONING Two styles ofelectrical zoning design are offered: by sector or by concentric zones. These two styles differ according to preferences of customers. MRO would prefer the concentric style while airlines would go generally for the sector style. Some radome blankets are offered only under sector zoning. The figures below illustrate the notion of concentric and sector design
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